Our company
Who we are, how we can help and what we do for our environment.
Our journey to becoming security experts

Just like many other organisations, our roots are in the network and perimeter security sector, but off the back of a growing number of customer enquiries, we gradually turned our attention to IT security solutions and were named the first McAfee partner in Germany.
Today, we advise our customers on all things related to IT security solutions and set great store in protecting existing investments and optimising them with the latest approaches. While some of our customers implement and manage their security solutions themselves, an increasing number are taking advantage of our Managed Security Services offering to make up for the shortfall in qualified staff and/or to relieve their teams of the extra work involved in operative IT security services.
With our more than 40 IT security specialists, we are by your side every step of the way, and as a Bechtle Group company, we also have the support of some 200 additional security specialists at system houses around Germany, Austria and Switzerland to call on as and when required.
Our History
2020 – Present
Advanced Security Specialization
Extensive analysis of Cyber Defense Center solutions and the field of detection and response as well as expanding our Managed Security Services offering.
Merger with Bechtle AG
New office building
Specialist for holistic IT security
Boost in number of vendor partners
Our own office building
Conversion into a limited company
McAfee International Agent
Network technology specialist
Foundation of Bücker EDV as a sole proprietorship
The Bücker Philosophy
We maintain a close relationship with our customers and suppliers based on trust and set great store in collaboration and tailored solutions.
Information about projects, suppliers and customers are treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.
Financial viability
We attach great importance to making sure projects are economically viable and that budgets are adhered to.

As a Bechtle Group company, we are able to combine our efforts to cultivate sustainability. You can find out about everything we’ve achieved so far and how in our Sustainability Reports available at:
bechtle.com/sustainability (Englisch)
bechtle.com/nachhaltigkeit (Deutsch)

Environmental protection
Environmental protection is also a topic that is very dear to us. As a company that is not involved in manufacturing, we are focussing our attentions on the sustainable use of resources and keeping our consumption down to a minimum.
To this end, we have been exclusively using electricity from certified, renewable energy sources for eight years, reducing our annual CO2 footprint by approx. 30 tons. Documents are primarily digital, but where we do use paper, it is FSC-certified. What’s more, business trips are organised so that our employees can travel by train wherever possible.